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Grow your business with Getcontact Ads to reach millions of users!

Get 50% off your first ad campaign!

Grow your business with <span class=\"text-primary-500\">Getcontact Ads</span> to reach millions of users!
  • High brand awareness

    Increase the awareness of your brand by reaching Getcontact users.

  • Higher interaction

    Expand your userbase
    with reputable Getcontact Ads

  • Fast booking

    Show your campaigns to tens of millions
    just in 48 hours

  • 500M+
    Total downloads(Cumulative)
  • 1.6K+
    Detected spam calls(Cumulative)
  • #1
    in Russia, Ukraine and
    Indonesia markets
Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Getcontact Ads offers the simplest way to manage your ad campaigns and find users who will love your product. It's also a great platform to get higher quality user traffic and click average.

Create Your Campaign in 4 Simple Steps

  • Select placement

    Select placement

    First, select the most suitable placement for your business within the Getcontact app.

  • Plan the period

    Plan the period

    Decide on the display period according to the appropriate targeting and your budget.

  • Make payment

    Make payment

    Now, it's time to make your payment to reserve the selected ad campaign.

  • Create content

    Create content

    Create engaging campaigns by using your imagination and creativity.